Upcoming 2013 News!

WOW, what an amazing Fall season we have had at Owens' Originals Photography. While the growth has been so overwhelming and full of fabulous families, I have learned some hard lessons as to what works for our family. Which brings us to the new blog post. I have personally reached that phase in the editing process where I feel like I'm treading water and who knows where the side of the pool is. :) Don't get me wrong, I LOVE this and wouldn't trade it for the world. I still gasp {yes, by myself at the computer} and cover my mouth in awe at some of the beautiful images that my clients and I have been able to come up with. I am just ready to set some ground rules, and finally stick to it. Here's a quick lesson that you'll learn about me...I do not say 'No' to people. I am a perfectionist and a people pleaser. Much to the dismay of my husband, who tells me on a daily basis, "Kristy....stop!" I am in a great job for a perfectionist, it helps in photography....however, the people pleaser can sometimes sink me. I told myself in August that I would be done shooting by November 1st. Well, that has come and gone and I'm averaging 3-4 sessions a week STILL. Yowsers. For a full time photographer, that is a great line-up...for a full time teacher, coach's wife, and mother of 2 children in sports...that just might qualify me as insane.

Here's where the changes come in. I will be updating the pricing for Owens' Originals Photography, that will take effect Jan. 1. I will also set a maximum for shoots per week/weekend....and I'm putting this in writing, so that it will be set.in.stone. 1 week day photo shoot per week, and no more than 2 weekend photo shoots. What does that mean? It means we have to do a better job of keeping in touch, and booking sessions in advance. It means, I will {hopefully} book up a month at a time. {fingers crossed} If you're interested in shoots for January/February/March...the time to book is NOW. That includes seniors. The senior season is February thru April, so that you have your pictures ready before graduation.

With all of this being said, there is another announcement that needs to be made. After the amazing December 1st wedding that I am honored to be shooting, that will be the end of wedding photography for Owens' Originals....for the time being. I am not completely closing the door on it, but for this period of time with my young family, I need to value my time with them. Trey and Emery are going to grow up in the blink of an eye, and I would beat myself up if I missed any of it. Wedding photography is so much fun, and as much fun as it is...it is equally as exhausting. Usually it takes me a few days after a wedding before I even want to pick up my camera again. Don't be afraid to tell me about your wedding, or ask me if I'd be interested...just don't be surprised if I pass. I want to thank all of the amazing brides/grooms/parents that I've been blessed to work with...it was my honor to be a part of your day. If you need a photographer for a destination wedding, that is still on my bucket list...so ask away!! :)

I still sit in awe of what God has provided for our family. When I left coaching 6 years ago, our way of life definitely took a little hit. God stepped in a provided a new talent for me to help provide for our family. What a blessing it has been. Meeting new clients almost every week, seeing friends and their family grow, and creating priceless memories for the people I adore. Pretty cool if ya ask me. Thank you to everyone who has chosen Owens' Originals Photography as your go-to photographer...I pray that we have been as big of a blessing to you, as you have to us. Thank you ten times over.

Make sure and like Owens' Originals Photography on Facebook...there you'll find the most up to date specials and sessions.

I'll leave you with a new favorite...