Mr. Miracle

Meet Preston and his sweet mom and dad.

I could go on, and on, and on about Preston's amazing-ness. Yes, I just made up a word for him...because he deserves it. If you don't know about the story of Preston, you can go over to his mom's blog and catch up. The short of it, is that Preston had open heart surgery to save his life less than 3 weeks ago.

Now look at him. Like I said earlier, amazing.

Here's mom and Preston hanging out in his room. This picture doesn't do his nursery justice. It is too precious for words.

This last picture is my new favorite. Maybe of all time. Being at the hospital for his arrival and for following his story, step by step made me hug Trey and Emery tighter each put my phone down or turn the computer off, and just be. For a while now, I've been a 'crier' at church...but now, you may not want to sit next to me. Okay, the picture. Here it is.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for these adorable pictures of my precious little buddy. I'm like you, I absolutely love the last one. I have to have a copy of this one!!!

kk - aka
Kelley Brashear Foley